Community Partnerships
Like the African proverb, we have to remember that ‘it takes a village to rear a child’,
and the preschool is right at the heart of the village.
Watoto Preschool, previously known as Burngreave Children’s Project, has been a part of Burngreave, in Sheffield since 1995, the preschool and the area are inextricably linked. The preschool offers both direct and indirect benefits for: employment, residents, and students from other educational establishments both in the area and from across the city. In turn we draw the majority of our children from Burngreave and the surrounding areas.
One of our core values is community partnerships, on this page we provide examples of our community partnerships and the impact for the children attending Watoto PreSchool and the wider community.

Student Placements &
School Work Experience
We recognise that the quality and variety of work, within preschool, makes it an ideal place for student placement and pupil work experiences from schools or colleges and universities.
We have a long-established record and are committed to offering quality placements for people embarking on a career in early years education and childcare or just thinking about it and would benefit from a few taster sessions.
Call us today 0330 016 5668 or fill out our online form here

Volunteering Opportunities
Interested in volunteering at the preschool? Then come and support us in our mission to provide high quality education & childcare for each individual child. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and support the work we do at Watoto Preschool.
We have several roles and opportunities:
Assistance in the classroom
Holiday Play Care
Escorts for preschool outings
Help to maintain the building and our wonderful outdoor space
Fundraising projects
(This list is not exhaustive)
We are always happy to have some extra help at preschool. Some of our opportunities would suit a regular slot and others will work best on an as and when basis. Hopefully, there is something you are interested in contact us today 0330 016 5668 or fill out our online form here

Fun Day 2022
Bwoy! What a fantastic day we had on Saturday (16 July) it was a celebration of our children’s achievements and the strength of the local community. We had a brilliant turn out, lots of fun and laughter, and the sun was shining!
We are thrilled to say we raised £319.53 on the day
Special thank you to our staff team and parent / carer volunteers…..without you we couldn’t have made this wonderful day happen.
BIG thank you to the businesses who made donations to the raffle prizes and refreshments.
S R Raja Continental Foods
QFashions UK: https://www.qfashion.co.uk/
Sudadech mobile repairs
Ellesmere foods + news
Al Hamdu
BWNAB Bakery: https://en-gb.facebook.com/bwnabbakery
Experience Days: https://www.experiencedays.co.uk/charity-scheme

Hallam FM Cash for Kids
We hosted fund raising events to support the Hallam FM Cash for Kids charity, who provide support for young children in our local area. See this link for more information: https://cashforkids.org.uk/
We partnered with Cash for Kids back in March 2022 for our 'wear share care' charity clothes donation! This was a huge success and we raised £62!
In April 2022 Cash For Kids donated an activity basket which we raffled and raised £100.83! Thank you to everyone for your support through your donations and through buying a raffle ticket.

Super Star Sports

Thank you, Simon Glazebrook from Super Star Sport, our children had loads of fun doing the multi sports activity at preschool.

Dance Lessons
During this term we have had dancing lessons on Mondays, the children have fun and enjoy learning new dance moves and burning lots of energy!
Lauren, one of our parents who is a dance teacher @createdancesheffield volunteers at the Pre-School, leading these sessions and teaching the children new dance routines.
Dancing helps to improve physical health as dance is a great form of exercise. A love of dance from an early age can help motivate children to stay active as they grow into adults. Dance helps with children’s emotional development, encourages socialization and creativity, and enhances cognitive development.

Supporting a Local Football Team

In 2021 we sponsored a local football team Kimberworth Park FC. They look great in the new kit with the Watoto Pre-School logo proudly displayed!

Eid Party 2022
In May 2022 we invited all of the children and their parent carers to attend our Eid Party! We had a picnic in the Pre-School Garden and everyone had lots of fun. It was so lovely to see so many parent carers support us with this event. A big thank you to everyone for coming!