Our Approach
Watoto’s Pre-school’s curriculum is fully in-line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework (2020), influenced by:
In The Moment Planning
''Children are born with a natural desire to explore and learn, and practitioners can support them in this. We do this by creating an enabling environment (both physical and emotional) and through the relationships and interactions
that the children experience. We do not plan, rather we ‘remain in the moment’ with the children as they explore and learn. We observe carefully, and enhance children’s learning whenever we spot a “teachable moment’.”
Anna Ephgrave 2015
The Curiosity Approach
''Aims to create 'thinkers & doers' by putting the child at the centre of their own development and education. Modern toys and technology are removed from the learning environment and replaced with everyday items to encourage children's natural curiosity and eagerness to explore and create''.
Lyndsey Hellyn & Stephanie Bennett 2017
We aim to open children’s eyes to awe and wonder, providing a variety of first-hand experiences through play, to stimulate their learning and interests, placing a strong focus on the independent application of the essential skills, honesty, teamwork, kindness, co-operation, tolerance, respect, forgiveness, responsibility, perseverance, resilience and not forgetting helping children discovery the fun in learning.
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Our Curriculum
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Special Educational Needs & Disability
At Watoto Pre-School, we recognise that every child is an individual who has individual needs, and that these needs will affect their learning.
We are committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils, and if children find learning more challenging than others we offer extra support to enable them to achieve their full potential. We assess all children to identify their strengths and needs, and how we can best support them.
Every Early Years Practitioner has responsibility for all the children in their room who have special educational needs. They work closely with the two Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO), to plan the best provision for the children. This is implemented through a graduated approach, in line with the Sheffield Inclusion Strategy via the Local Offer.
Our manager recently received a national award, ‘Early Years SENCO award', for her knowledge and experience in supporting her team in delivering exceptional care for children in our care with SEND.
The key to our success is working as a team with parents/carers and specialist professionals, to ensure that our care, support, and preschool is of the highest standard.
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